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  • Word Check

    Word Check CPE Ofertă

    Actualizat Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 9:10 AM CDT

Unlock the power of precise writing with this app, your go-to tool for counting words and characters effortlessly. This app provides an easy and efficient way to keep track of your text's length.

You can open the app and instantly access the word and character counter. Simply type or paste any text into the input field and tap the "Count" button to get an accurate count of words and characters in your text. No more guessing or manual counting – this app gives precise results in seconds.

Need to start over? Use the "Clear" button to reset the input field instantly.
Begin a new count with a clean slate, hassle-free. This app serves as a versatile tool for various writing tasks such as composing essays and drafting manuscripts. Moreover, it conveniently tracks text length for social media posts, blog entries, or any other writing task you undertake.

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